Personal Profile
  • Html; Css; VScode

  • Ying's profile

  • July, 2022
Fantastic Diary
  • React.js; json.js; Github; VScode; Github Desk; AssemblyAi; Devpost

  • Designed and Developed an application that records stories that supports audio to text translation on web

  • React.js for front-end Development

  • Used json.js as mockup server and store data

  • Implements AssemblyAi API

  • May, 2022
Hit cat game app
  • Java; libGDX; Github; Android Studio; Github Desk

  • Designed and Developed an application that plays a hit cat game

  • Used libGDX library and Java for coding

  • Code on Android Studio and upload on Github through Github Desk

  • April, 2022
CartPole Comparison
  • Python; VScode; OpenAI Gym; Machine Learning; matplotlib API

  • Developed the CarPole problem and use OpenAi Gym to display the animation

  • implements two Machines Learning algorithm (RL): Q-learning and SARSA

  • Plot the running result by using matplotlib library

  • Compare and Analysis performance of Q-learning and SARSA algorithm

  • March, 2022
Program Schedular
  • C; VScode; Linux; Ubuntu

  • Developed a system manager that schedules processes and allocates resources

  • implements First Come First Service, Round Robin, Shortest Job First scheduling method

  • Implemented bankers algorithm to avoid deadlock

  • Run operation on Linux environment

  • February, 2022
Mini Soccor Game
  • Java; JUnit; Eclipse; Github; Github Desktop

  • Developed an application that displays an interface with two menus: Game and Control

  • Used Java Swing to create a GUI display two game players: Striker and GoalKeeper that can play soccor game

  • Used MVC module and Implemented Singleton, factory and Iterator design patterns

  • Used JUnit test for testing purpose

  • November, 2021
Connect Four Game
  • Python; IntelliJ; Ubuntu

  • Developed a GUI that supports two players to play connect four game

  • supports Human vs. Human; AI vs. Human; AI vs. AI play module

  • Implemented Minimax algorithm with & without alpha-beta pruning for AI player

  • Implemented Expectimax algorithm for AI player

  • October, 2021
Learning Kit
  • Html; Css; JavaScript; UML Design

  • Developed a web-based application which displays various questions

  • When buttons clicked, question description appears

  • When Design checkbox clicked, UML design of solution appears

  • When test button clicked, solution function will run for test

  • Implemented Zoom in/out functionality for images

  • November, 2019
Shopping Cart App
  • Java; Eclipse; BasicIO; Database

  • Developed a shopping cart app that can allow customer to add item and delete item

  • Using BasicIO to create GUI, User ID and Password validation created

  • Read Customer login information from mock database and store customer shopping records to database

  • Generate detailed customer shopping records

  • April, 2018

copyright © 2022, Ying Zhang - made with 🤍